NaPoWriMo x NaPoGenMo Prompt Day 6 : Nothing is But What is Not.
Musical Background : Sonic Pi and Making a Mini Syntax with Inverse
#NaPoGenMo #NaPoWRiMO ##napowrimoxayaskala Using @ayaskala Prompt #6: Nothing is But What is Not.
background music coded with #sonicpi (
For Today Entries, I will be using to Generate a visual and also used it as seen in the video as a way to have constraints on the type of word usage. Plus making my own "mini language/syntax" to write with
Code Snippets can be found at
poetrylink :
performance Link :
Prompt #6: Nothing is But What is Not.
What is Nothing
Nothing is What
prompt # 6 is nothing is but what is not
a ton ? a thing? is this not thin ?
thing as the thaw-ing of the hat ?
hat that is not part of the prompt
buy may rise into a what
what is this? or what is that
But what if? Nothing is Everything
and everything has a reason to be
a reason to breathe but what then?
but what now?
can it be something that is seen beyond 6?
beyond six?
six or 6, but what is not?
notiswhat whatisnothing
nothing that is flaunting
flaunting beyond the scope of this hint
hint as the props are similar to a tub and a mop
just there to stop
the rot of the pot that might be in the tub due to the mop as the prop of dirt leaves a
a stain that rains as if it was a pro
pro cold
pro this pro that
whatbutnothing nothingwhat butwhat