

Planets Reimagined


The Third of the Seven Pieces for the MinaCoding Prompt of Humans: JunePlanetary

JunePlanetary uses LiveCodeLab to visualize the Planetary systems of this realm with hue adjustment and an Oilpaint filter.


Connecting blocks
From the gases to the rocks
Categorising on self will
As they refuse to stand still
Not because they are ill
Cause their movement brings 
Energies that swingPhotos


LiveCodeLab Code

turns = 2 + time % 10 
detail = 400
speed = 0.4
background black
scale 0.23

animationStyle motionBlur

rotate cos(time %10), sin(time), wave(sin(time)* 0.0003)

detail times with i
    rotate 0, 0, (2 * pi) / detail
    move 0.65
        rotate (turns * i * pi) / detail + (time * speed), 0, 0
        fill blue
            peg Math.hypot(cos(time % 10),sin(time)), Math.cbrt(cos(time % 10),wave(0.003))
        fill orange
        move 2, sin(time),cos(time)
            ball Math.hypot(3,sin(cos(time))),Math.cbrt(3,sin(cos(time))),sin(Math.hypot(3,sin(cos(time))))
        fill white
        scale 0.78
        move 3, sin(time), cos(Math.hypot(time, wave(0.03)))
            peg Math.hypot(cos(time % 10),Math.cbrt(sin(time)))
        fill yellow
        scale 2
            box Math.hypot(3,sin(cos(time))),Math.cbrt(3,sin(cos(time))),sin(Math.hypot(3,sin(cos(time))))