Table of contents
Today's MinaCoding Prompt is Blue. BluishBlues will be coded audiovisually thru LiveCodeLab and SonicPi.
The visuals are layered by animations coded in LiveCodeLab
The sounds are coded in SonicPi using a concept of shadow maths and colour shuffling, where in this case the sounds are made through the values of different blues. As well as their shadow/shuffle counterparts to add variance to the soundscape. So when watching, you are experiencing both blue as a colour and a sound. Slowed down after by 40%
Bursting of Blues
Brightening with their hues
Belonging to more than a few
Blues like the sky
At various times
Blues like the reflection
Seen on water interactions
Bursting of Blues
Blitzing with their hues
rot = time / 5
ringDetail = 11
ambientLight 255
if time % 10 > 5
fill turquoise
simpleGradient teal,aqua,navy
if time % 10 < 5
fill blue
simpleGradient indigo,midnightblue,teal
if time % 12 < 6
rotate rot,rot,rot
scale wave(0.003)
if time % 12 > 6
rotate rot, rot * 3, sin(rot)
scale cos(wave(0.12))
29 times with i
rotate (time / 5) + i
ringDetail times
rotate wave(0.03), i, (2 * pi) / ringDetail
move 2*i, 0, 0
rect abs(tan(1 - time % 5)), 0.3 + (1 / ringDetail)
#Color +Shadows
#RGB Values + XYZ
#ShadeofBlue [R,G,B, X, Y, Z]
# CornFlowerBlue : 100, 149, 237,31.286, 30.317, 84.319
# DarkBlue : 0, 0, 139,4.659, 1.864, 24.539
# Firebrick : 0, 114, 187,14.985, 15.621, 49.236
#shadow length equation is Length = height / tan(angle)
#Creating Arrays
CornFlowerBlue = [100, 149, 237,31.286, 30.317, 84.319]
DarkBlue = [0, 0, 139,4.659, 1.864, 24.539]
FrenchBlue = [0, 114, 187,14.985, 15.621, 49.236]
with_fx :ixi_techno do
live_loop :blues do
i = 0
use_synth :pretty_bell
play (CornFlowerBlue[i] + DarkBlue[i])/5 ,release: 3
play CornFlowerBlue[i] ,release: 3
with_fx :ping_pong, mix: rrand(0.3,0.75) do
use_synth :chiplead
play (FrenchBlue[i] + DarkBlue[i])/5 ,release: 3, decay: dice(4)
sleep [0.5,1,2].choose
if i < 7
i+= 1
live_loop :Blueshuffle do
CornFlowerBlueShuffle = CornFlowerBlue.shuffle()
DarkBlueShuffle = DarkBlue.shuffle()
FrenchBlueShuffle = FrenchBlue.shuffle()
i = 0
use_synth :pretty_bell
play (CornFlowerBlueShuffle[i] + DarkBlueShuffle[i])/4 ,release: 3
play CornFlowerBlueShuffle[i] ,release: 3
with_fx :ping_pong, mix: rrand(0.3,0.75) do
use_synth :piano
play (FrenchBlueShuffle[i] + DarkBlueShuffle[i])/5 ,release: 3, decay: dice(4)
sleep [0.5,1,2].choose
if i < 7
i+= 1
#shadow length component
with_fx :ixi_techno do
live_loop :Bluesshadow do
i = 0
use_synth :piano
play (CornFlowerBlue[i]/Math.tan(70)).abs + (DarkBlue[i]/Math.tan(70)).abs - 20,release: 3, sustain: 8
play (FrenchBlueShuffle[i]/Math.tan(70)).abs + (DarkBlue[i]/Math.tan(70)).abs - 20,release: 3, sustain: 8
sleep [0.25,0.5,1,2,4].choose
if i < 7
i+= 1