The prompt for Genuary 2023 Day 4 is
I decided to make Colors Intersect in a wave-like formation using SonicPi for Audio and Hydra for Visuals.
The code can be found below with a poem to read above it.
*As the colours Wave
Knowing where they will be displayed
The motion is consistent
As the intersections are transient
With the sounds in the background
Adding to the movement that you see around
//Hydra Code
osc(30.415, [0.03, 0.013, 0.09].fit(), 0.989)
.repeat(() => time % 8.383 / 7.878)
.kaleid([3, 0.359, 1.963, 2, 3])
.mult(osc(20.273, 0.001, 0.541)
.pixelate([53.181, 208.65], [400, 800, 1600, 1095.851])
.blend(o0, 0.799)
.scrollX(0.1, 0.087)
.modulateScale(osc(12.083, 0), -0.03)
.scale(0.5, () => 1.819 + 0.1 * Math.sin(0.057 * time))
frame = 4;
speed = 0.125;
#SonicPi Code
#added different guitar sounds from yesterday's code
#31% Slow down & Reverse in Final Audio Version
live_loop :guitar do
with_fx [:ixi_techno,:ping_pong,:flanger].choose, amp: dice(5) ,mix: rrand(0.1,0.9) do
sample [:ambi_swoosh,:bd_fat,:ambi_drone].choose, sustain: dice(3)
sample :guit_em9 , beat_stretch: 1.7
sample :guit_em9, beat_stretch: 0.9
sleep [0.25,0.5,0.75,1].choose
live_loop :blip do
with_fx [:gverb,:ixi_techno].choose, mix: 0.25 do
with_fx [:whammy,:distortion,:whammy].choose, amp: dice(5) ,mix: rrand(0.1,0.9) do
sample [:elec_blip,:ambi_swoosh,:perc_snap2], beat_stretch: 2, decay: dice(2)
sleep [0.25,0.5,0.75,1].choose