

Pulsating Star System

The prompt for Genuary 2023 Day 5 is


Reworking a LivecodeLab sketch named "Pulsating Star" by adding audio elements to it and tweaking the visuals.

The particular debugging in this sketch

  • The speed of the pulsating

  • Adding more rotational variance

  • Higher frequency of the sounds already in the sketch


Lines Pulsating
Lines Speaking
Lines Beating
Lines Breathing
Lines Sleeping & Dreaming
Lines Skating
Bleeding into the edges
As their movement is echoed
Echoed into the ledges
The ledges as if it was snowed
Snowed in as the uniqueness of  flakes
That fall down from the sky and wait
But the difference is the falling
As these are beating and crawling
What are they saying?
Why are they dilating?
Why are they shaking
What feat corresponds to the day within?
Is it a  little heartbreaking?
And is the current pace of the beat, staying?


//Pulsating Star

turns =  abs(time % 21 - 5)
detail = 400
speed = 0.4
simpleGradient blue,orange,black
scale 0.04 * wave(0.03)
rotate 15,3,1
detail times with i
    rotate 0, 0, (2 * pi) / detail
    move tan(wave), cos(wave),sin(wave)
        rotate (turns * i * pi) / detail + (time * speed), 0, 0
            //this turns it into a sparkling star effect
            rect tan(i),sin(i), cos(i)
            peg sin(i),cos(i), tan(i)
            ball cos(i),tan(i),sin(i)

bpm 42
play 'lowFlash',   '--x- -x-xx- --x- -xx-'
play 'beepB',      'x--x -xxxx-- -x-- -x--'
play "pianoLDChord" + int(random 6) ,'x----xx--xx--xxx'
play 'voltage',    'x-x- -x-- x-xx x-xx'
play 'tranceKick', '-x-x ---x x--- --xx'
play "pianoLHChord" + int(random 4) ,'x-x--xxx--xx-'
play "pianoRHChord" + int(random 4) ,'x--x-xx--xx'