

To Have and Not to Have


For this week's Creative Code Challenge by @sableraph: "Symmetry”, Symmetrical&Not is coded in play.ertdfgcvb, Seis8s,SonicPi & Locomotion.

Symmetry & Not

The visual code of Locomotion & Play.ergfgcvb are made to look not symmetrical as well as the SonicPi & Seis8s coded compositions. The symmetry in the code actually lies in the actual code. Both the Visual and Audio Code base amount to 667 characters. In the Visual component , all the code blocks are 222/223 characters.

Also keeping a bit of scrolling from last week topic

Poem (Symmetrical Stanzas)

Noon, it is?
Time is Bliss
Better isn’t Smoother
Verbs or Adjectives
Words Just flowing
Desire is Whenever

Smoother isn’t Better?
Flowing , just words
Adjective or Verbs
Whenever is Desire
Bliss is time
Is it Noon?


Visual Code - 667 Characters

play.ertdfgcvb - (222 Characters, 170 without Spaces)

export const settings = { fps : 5,
    backgroundColor : 'yellow',
    color           : 'black',
    fontSize        : '3em',
    fontWeight      : 'bold' // or 100}
export function main() {
return Math.random() < 0.5 ? '╩_0+ ' : 'o| ╦x'

Locomotion Code Block 1 - (222 Characters, 171 without Spaces)

b n = dancer {url = "raccoon", animation = [13,1,n,1,n+3,1,25,1,7,1,1] , 
size =  ((n +1)/20), y = range 0 5 (phase 16 (n/10) * 2 + (-1)),  
z = range -3 3 (phase 1 (n/50) * 2 + (-1)), rx = n * 27, dur = 2.5 };
for [0..35] b;

Locomotion Code Block 2 -(223 Characters, 171 Without Space)

b n = dancer {url = "raccoon", animation = [13,1,n,1,n+3,1,25,1], 
size =  ((n +1)/10), y = range 0 20 (phase 16 (n/10) * 2 + (-1)), 
x = -8 + (n/5),  z = range -3 3 (phase 1 (n/50) * 2 + (-1)), rz = n * 23.7 };
for [0..15] b;

Audio Code - 667 Characters

Seis8s-(272 Characters, 214 Without Space)

tempo 132; 
acordes [re m, fa, fa,do, do, sol, fa,fa]; 
punteo [3a 4a 5a 2a 6a] [1 1.35 2.7 2.25 2.5 3 4.7 5.4] $ sample 8 $ teclado; 
acompanamiento (2) $ sample 1 $ teclado; 
alternar 3 (tumbao 0) $ tumbao 1 $ sample 2 $ bajo; 
vol 0.45 $ tumbao 1 $ guira; 
tumbao 0 $ congas;

SonicPi - (395 Characters, 313 Without Space)

n = ring(:b3,:c4,:c5,:d3,:e2,:As4,:bs2)

live_loop :bassflow do
  use_random_seed Time.now.to_i
  with_fx :ping_pong, mix: rrand(0.4,0.65) do
    use_bpm 120
    if one_in(2)
      sample [:drum_bass_hard,:tabla_ghe2].choose
      sleep [0.5,0.25].choose
      use_bpm 60
      sample :drum_bass_soft
      use_synth [:piano,:chiplead].choose
      play n
      sleep [0.25,1,2].choose