For this week's Creative Code Challenge by @sableraph: "Industrial", IndustrialShuffle Takes Locomotion coded choreography and merges it with LiveCodeLab Industrial sounds.
Aided with OBS
The sounds are huddling
As the bodies are shuffling
To the noise
To the sounds
To the voltages that scurry around
Electrifying when in contact with a voice
Glitch in the vortex
In outer space
As the industrial progress in its process
To fill more during this Phase
dancer { url = "OrDroid", animation = [15,1,17,1,21,1],size = range 0.25 2.15 (osc 0.17), ry = range - 90 90(osc 0.25), z = -3, ly = range -180 180 (osc 2)};
--Glitchy Droid More
r2 = step [3,4,5,6] (phase 4 0);
r = step [0.5,2,1,4] (phase 16 0);
for [0..10] (\n -> dancer {url = "OrDroid", dur = n*0.5, x = (n)+(-20), y = -4 + osc(1) * sin(n), z = -10, rx = r2 * r2 * r2, ry = 0, rz = 0, size= r});
if time % 45 < 15
bpm 123
play 'lowFlash', '--x- -x---xx-- x---xx'
play 'beepB', 'x--x ---- -x-- -x--'
play 'voltage', 'x-x- -x-xxxx------------- x-xx x-xx'
play 'voltage', 'x-xoxxx---x'
else if time % 45 > 15 and time % 45 < 30
bpm 88
play 'alienBeep', '--x- --x-- --x- --xx--'
play 'beepC', '-x-- -x--- x--x xxx-'
play 'beepA', '--x- ---- --x- ----'
bpm 15
play 'lowFlash', '--x- --x- -x-- -x--'
if time % 5 > 2
play 'beepB', 'x--x ---- -x-- -x--'
play 'voltage', 'x-x- -xx- xxx-ooxx x-xx x-xx'
play 'tranceKick', '-x-x ---x x-xx--xxx-- --xx'
if time % 20 > 10
bpm 88 + time % 12
play 'alienBeep', int(random (wave)), 'x-x-xxx'
play 'beepC' + int(random 4), 'x'
play 'tranceKick', '-x-x ---x x--- --xx'
if time % 15 > 10
play 'beepA', '--x- -xoox --x- ----'
play 'lowFlash', '--x- ---- x--x -xx-'
play 'beepB', 'x--x -xx- -x-- -x--'
if time % 10 > 6
play 'voltage', 'x-x- -x-- x-xx x-xx'
play 'tranceKick', '-x-x -xx-xx--x x--x --xx'