



For this week's Creative Code Challenge by @sableraph: "Obscure", ObscureTerrain is coded in Hydra, LiveCodeLab & SonicPi to Represent a realm full of obscured traits.

Obscuring Process

  • The genre of the sound coded in SonicPi is meant to be obscured. What is it? Is it even a genre that can be found on Spotify Wrapped, YouTube Recap or Apple Music Year Review?

    • The main sound heard comes from using various Linear Algebra techniques to further the idea of an obscured way to design sounds.
  • Through Hydra & LiveCodeLab, This terrain is obscured through many geometric shapes and the lasting effect they have. How was this realm originally designed: is it possible to go back?


What is the Eye Focusing on?
What is the sense of touch, rotating upon?
What is obscured in the smell of the place
Or even in the taste of the space?
We may never know
We may always know
But the information
That portion
Is an on going rotation



SonicPi - Linear Algebra Exploration

live_loop :matrix do

  use_random_seed (Time.now.to_i)

  matrix1 = [[rrand(-5,3),0,dice(3)],[rrand_i(-4,4),dice(4),rrand(-3,4)],[rrand(-2,4),-1,0]]

  a = matrix1[0][0]
  b = matrix1[0][1]
  c = matrix1[0][2]

  d = matrix1[1][0]
  e = matrix1[1][1]
  f = matrix1[1][2]

  g = matrix1[2][0]
  h = matrix1[2][1]
  i = matrix1[2][2]

  #determinant formula
  det_a = a*(e*i - f*h) - b*(d*i - f*g) + c*(d*h - e*g)

  use_synth :piano
  play (det_a).abs

  #matrix math

  mat_add_A = a + d + g
  mat_add_B = b + e + h
  mat_add_C = c + f + i


  use_synth :piano
  play (mat_add_A).abs * 3
  play (mat_add_B).abs * 3
  play (mat_add_C).abs * 3

  sleep [0.25,0.5,1,1.5,2,4,8].choose

live_loop :dotproduct do

  #dot product formula - scalar

  use_random_seed (Time.now.to_i) / 3

  matrix2 = [[rrand(-5,23),12],[dice(14),rrand(-3,4)]]

  #vector length, pythagros of multiple dimension

  vector_subspace = [rrand(-3,5),dice(7),rrand(-2,8),dice(3),dice(4)]

  for i in 0..vector_subspace.length - 1 do #give constraints for the loops
    var = vector_subspace[i]   #variable
    var *= var #updating
    vector_subspace[i] = var #equals the square
    total = vector_subspace.sum #sums the total after each iteration
    puts total
    vec_length = Math.sqrt(total)
    puts vec_length

  #dot product break down

  ax = matrix2[0][0]
  ay = matrix2[0][1]
  bx = matrix2[1][0]
  by = matrix2[1][1]

  ab = (ax * bx)  + (ay * by)
  det_ab = (ax * by) + (ay * bx)

  use_synth :piano
  play (ab).abs / 2, decay: vec_length

  use_synth :prophet
  play (det_ab).abs

  with_fx :ping_pong, mix: rrand(0.1,0.6) do
    sample :glitch_perc5 , rate: vec_length, pitch: (det_ab).abs % 16
    sample :elec_filt_snare , rate: vec_length, pitch: (det_ab).abs % 16
    sample :drum_cymbal_closed, rate: 0.5, decay: (det_ab/vec_length).abs % 7
    sample 'C:/Audio/Rambling/JungleJazz.wav',beat_stretch: vec_length, rate: Math.sqrt(dice(25) + 1)/3

  sleep [0.25,0.5,1,2,4].choose

SonicPi - Chaotic Overlaying

live_loop :rollback2 do
  #making true random as it goes with the actual time
  #then using the Math.cbrt to make it a different seed ratio then the above function
  use_random_seed Math.cbrt(Time.now.to_i)
  use_bpm 75
  puts Time.now.to_i
  with_fx [:echo,:whammy,:ixi_techno].choose, mix: rrand(0.1,0.6) do
    with_fx :ping_pong, mix: rrand(0.1,0.9) do
      sample"C:/SonicPi/SocaRiddims/WaterMelonRiddim_Wav.wav",amp: 7, rate: Math.sqrt(dice(25) + 1)/3
      sample"C:/SonicPi/SocaRiddims/WaterMelonRiddim_Wav.wav",amp: 7, rate: 0.9 * (Math.sqrt(dice(25) + 1)/3)
      sample"C:/SonicPi/SocaRiddims/WaterMelonRiddim_Wav.wav",amp: 1.2, rate: 0.75 * (Math.sqrt(dice(25) + 1)/3)
      sample"C:/SonicPi/SocaRiddims/WaterMelonRiddim_Wav.wav",amp: 3, rate: 0.85 * (Math.sqrt(dice(25) + 1)/3)
      sample"C:/SonicPi/SocaRiddims/WaterMelonRiddim_Wav.wav",amp: 3, rate: 0.95 * (Math.sqrt(dice(25) + 1)/3)
      sample"C:/SonicPi/SocaRiddims/WaterMelonRiddim_Wav.wav",amp: 3, rate: 1.05 * (Math.sqrt(dice(25) + 1)/3)
      sleep [128,64,96].choose
  sleep [0.5,1,2].choose





rot = time / 5

animationStyle paintOver

if time % 8 > 4
    ambientLight 255
if time % 8 < 4
    stroke red
    ambientLight 124- ((time % 30)*3), 90, 110 + ((time % 23) * 4)

ringDetail = 11
if time % 10 > 5
    fill orange

if time % 10 < 5
    fill yellow

if time % 12 < 6
    rotate rot,Math.hypot(rot, time  % 10)
    scale 0.7

if time % 12 > 6
    rotate rot, Math.sqrt(rot), rot
    scale wave(0.03)

9 times with i
    rotate (time / 5) + i
    ringDetail times
        rotate wave(0.03), Math.cbrt(i), (2 * pi) / ringDetail
        move 2*i, i, i/5
            rect abs(tan(1 - time % 5)), 0.3 + (1 / ringDetail)
    if time % 14 > 7
        fill blue
        fill red
        stroke white
            animationStyle motionBlur
            rect  Math.hypot(0.3, (3 / ringDetail)),abs(tan(3 - time % 6)),0