Keyboard Awakening
Nonsensical - Keyboard Awakening
For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRalph : Dadaism, I decided to have a piece that Follows Dadaism rules, throughout.
The rules shown below are from the following link: (also following loosely, the following infographic :
Whimsy & Nonsensical
Artistic Freedom
Emotional Reaction
KeyboardAwakening: The Story
The Keyboard looked at the humans, wondering what they were doing
So it is asked: Why would your code be drooling?
It asked right after: Why hasn't we seen a shoe in?
Why does the color blue, have barely any hue in?
What is this wall, where is the room in?
As one can witness
Barely told
The keyboard embedded in its own shadow
Recalled the code that was previously wrote
That made it awoke
As it started from the type of the shadow
KeyboardAwakening: The Awaken
As known in the past couple WCCChallenges, I have been working on a shadow series, trying to bring shadows to life through different means. The first awakening of this Keyboard occurred when I was applying the shadow formula to a previously made P5js Piece
By adding the shadow elements with these colours, the keyboard had its awakening
But its voice was still baking
Its voice was trying to grow
Still trying to flow
it touch my files (il touche mes fichiers)
it rearrange my folders (il réorganise mes dossiers)
alors j'ai dû négocier (so I had to negotiate)
Didn't want to give it access to GPT to manifest a style
Gave it .. access to some SonicPi code of mine, for a while
Thus Giving it a voice that it wished to elevate & Serenade
Vocalization Attempts:
IllestPreacha · KeyboardAwaken : Vocalization Attempt 1
#The following Code, started its vocalization
#by gathering the shadow information
#from the colors and their idenfication
live_loop :Vocalization do
# Generate a random pitch
pitch = rrand(60, 80)
pitch2 = rrand(60, 80)
# Play a sine wave at the specified pitch
play pitch, wave: :sine
play pitch2, pretty_bell: :chipnoise
# Control the duration of the sound
sleep [0.25,0.5,1,2].choose
Afterwards, it did find some words to say but as expected from a keyboard, it didn't have clarity.
IllestPreacha · KeyboardAwaken : Vocalization Attempt 2
live_loop :Vocalization do
# Generate a random pitch
pitch = rrand(60, 80)
pitch2 = rrand(60, 80)
# Play a sine wave at the specified pitch
with_fx :pitch_shift, pitch: dice(4) do
with_fx :distortion, distort: [0.54,0.23,0.15,0.62,0.654].choose do
play pitch, wave: :sine , amp: 0.5
play pitch2, pretty_bell: :chipnoise, amp: 0.5
#addition of Voice
with_fx :whammy ,mix: rrand(0.1,0.9), mix: [0.2,0.5,0.9, 0.3].choose do
with_fx :ping_pong ,mix: 0.5 do
with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.7 do
with_fx :pitch_shift, pitch: [3,1,4].tick do
with_fx :echo, decay: rrand_i(1,4) do
live_audio :Vocalization
# Control the duration of the sound
sleep [0.25,0.5,1,2].choose