MonsterSightings on Zenthian
The second day of SciArtSeptember has the theme: Monstrous. I decided to do a heatmap ( With Python, Plotly and Photoshop) of this distant alternative world, where there seems to be an influx of Monster Sightings
The Monsters come out of hiding
As the sun starts it process of descending
Where the time they are spending
Of habitation and gathering information
Has come to light
As they are ready to be seen
More than ready, we can say it is a delight
A treat to venture of , into this scene
Location doesn.t matter
From the top of the mountainous terrains
To the lowest levels of the sea
They are ready to scatter
Like if they were droplets of rains
For they maybe able to claim
That they can manage a new reign
Sound Recordings were partially translated by SonicPi but still seem to be in the process of making it more coherent.
Legends of Monster Sightings in the Past Year
- Purple means over 10 000 Monsters Sightings were recorded in that Region
- Yellow means over 5000 but under 10 000 Monster Sightings were recorded in that region
- The Blue and Green Dots symbolize active growing pods of Monsters to be unleashed
Sound Recording of Encounter with Monster