

Ochre building Blocks


For the 16th prompt of SciArtSeptember2023: "Ochre", OchreOrbitals are building a new galaxy in the Zenthian realm Through LiveCodeLab.


Ochres of different shades
Indulging with the blocks
They have made
The blocks that form the orbits
That refuse to be forfeits
As they are in the orbitals around the Clock


LiveCodeLab Code

ochre = color(204,119,34)
redOchre = color(145,56,49)
brownOchre = color(159,123,62)

ringDetail = 45  - Math.cbrt(sin(time)) * 3

if time % 27 > 10
    ambientLight 224
    ambientLight 255,255,255

if time % 10 > 5
    stroke redOchre
    fill ochre
    stroke brownOchre
    fill redOchre

if time % 8 > 4
    simpleGradient redOchre, ochre,brownOchre
    simpleGradient ochre,brownOchre,redOchre

rotate time / 5, Math.sqrt(time)
scale Math.cbrt(sin(time)) + 0.7

sin(14) times with i
    rotate (time / 5) + i
    ringDetail times
        rotate 0, 0, (2 * pi) / ringDetail
    if time % 20 > 12
        move 2, 0, 2
        move 2,0,0
            rect 1, 0.3 + (1 / ringDetail)

5 times with i
    scale 0.5
    rotate (time / 5) + i
    ringDetail times
        rotate 0, 0, (2 * pi) / ringDetail
        move 2, 0, 0
        if time % 20 > 12
            rect (time % 4 + 1), 0.3 + (1 / ringDetail)
            rect 1, 0.3, 3

cos(time % 14) times with i
    rotate (time / 5) + i
    ringDetail times
        rotate sin(time), 1, (2 * pi) / ringDetail
        move 2, sin(wave) / 3, 0
            rect 1, 0.3 + (5 / ringDetail),Math.sqrt(sin(time))


bpm 125 - (time % 20) * 3
play 'penta',  '--x- -xx- x  x --x- --x-'
play 'beepC',      '-x-- ---- x--x xxx-'
play 'beepA',      '--x- --xx-- --x- --xx--'
play 'snap',   '--x- -x--x-- -xx- --x--'
play "tweet" + int(random 14) ,'x'
play 'tense',      'x--x  x --x– x -x-- -x--'
play 'voltage',    'x-x- -x-- x-xx x-xx'
play 'cosmos', '-x-x ---x x-x  x- --xx'