NaPoWriMo x NaPoGenMo 2024 - Day 8:  DronifiedPoems

NaPoWriMo x NaPoGenMo 2024 - Day 8: DronifiedPoems

Dronificartion In Progress

Poetic Dronification

For Drone Jam(, I wanted to Dronify the Human experience and incorporate the 5+ senses within prompts and scenarios. There will be multiple versions of this experience to fully flesh out the idea.

In the 8th day of NaPoGenMo/NaPoWriMo 2024, This remix contains rhymes for each prompts.

The instructions for the portion below is coded with P5js(

For Mobile, Playing in Landscape mode and refreshing the page will make the prompts readable.

Choose between one or all four of the prompts below

If you are done or want to move on, you can mouse click to see the next shuffle.

  • The text in Red is the prompt (You can Choose to do one , two or all three prompts)

  • While the text in Blue is the situation, you find yourself in

  • The number/length of time associated with vocal/instrument/movement range is there to give an optional feeling to the Dronification , you are performing in any way the number resonates to your performance

The motion seen by the text is to represent the sustain movement that is associated with drones.
