NaPoWriMo x NaPoGenMo 2024 Day 21:

NaPoWriMo x NaPoGenMo 2024 Day 21:

Poetry In Sections


For the 21st day of NaPoWriMo/NaPoGenMo 2024, 'PoeticReflections' coded in Hydra & Sies8s puts the poem in a reflective / near symmetrical animated state.


Allow myself to reset
Allow my mind to reflect
Inspect what the feelings are
And how it engages with my goals
Are they near? Are they far?
What steps should occur next?
Take some moments to feel the flow
And go with it
Reset with a new rhythm
Reset with a new flow
Start lighting up the fuel internally
To let myself shine
To let myself pace
Let my skills and abilities
Have a moment to glow
With the pace that I allow myself to be place
As this isn’t the most consistent space





src(s0).scale(1).repeat(()=> (time % 10  + 1)/4,()=> (time % 10  + 1)/4)

speed = 0.5


tempo 0.95; 

acordes [re m, fa, la, la, la, re m, fa];
acompanamiento (2 3 4) $ cumbia bajo;
tumbao ["1a" "5a", "1a" "3a" "5a"] [1 3, 1 3 4, 2, 4 2] $ cumbia teclado;
cumbia guira;
acompanamiento 3 ("1a" "3a" "3a" "5a") $ cumbia teclado;
vol 0.75 $ tumbao 2 $ cumbia bajo;
vol 0.86 $ tumbao 3 $ cumbia bajo ;
acordes [re m, fa,fa, re m, la, la, re m, re m, la, re m, fa, fa];
vol 1.05 $ tumbao 2 $ cumbia bajo;
vol 0.87 $ tumbao ["3a" "3a" "5a" "3a" "1a"] [2 3, 1 5 4, 2, 4 3 2] $ cumbia teclado;