NaPoWriMo x NaPoGenMo 2024 - Day 22: More Sojis

NaPoWriMo x NaPoGenMo 2024 - Day 22: More Sojis

More Sojis

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For the 22nd day of NaPoWriMo/NaPoGenMo 2024, the Locomotion code is written in the format of a Soji : "A Korean verse form related to haiku and tanka and comprised of three lines of 14-16 syllables each, for a total of 44-46 syllables." -**\*Poetry Foundation*

However in this Version, instead of syllables, it would be done through 14-16 words per line and then some effects will be added visually.


Coded Soji

dancer{url = "mushy",x = range 5 -5 (osc 1), rx = range 5 -5 (osc 0.5)};  -- 15 words
dancer{url = "mushy",y = range 5 -5 (osc 0.25), animation = [2 ,1, 3,1], rz = 17}; -- 16 words
dancer{url = "mushy",z = range 5 -5 (osc 0.15), rx = range 5 -5 (osc 1)};  -- 15 words