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For the 14th Prompt Of Mathober: Cohomology, By using LiveCodeLab & Donuts looking items to explore the realm of Cohomology in DonutWorld
Donuts World
Donuts Twirl
Donuts Curl and Hurl
These are the actions
The Interactions
In Donut World
LiveCodeLab Code
turns = time % 6 + 1
detail = 500 - 3 * (time % 10 * 12 + 1)
speed = 0.4
scale (time % 6 + 1)/5
rotate time % 25,0.75, Math.cbrt(time)
detail times with i
rotate 0, 0, wave(0.003)
move 0.65,wave(0.003),wave(0.03)
rotate 0, sin(time), Math.cbrt(time)
peg 1,0.5,0.5