

Wires as Sub and Super Graphs


For the 5th Prompt Of Mathober: Supergraph. By using Locomotion, There are two supergraphs contained in WireGraphing2:

The supergraph that is Wireman as he contains multiple subgraphs within his skeleton and the supergraph of the total movement as some of the figures can be said to move within subgraphs.

Overlayed Figures to represent the extra "subgraphs"


The Graphs Within
Aren’t Hidden
They are seen
But not Always Noticeable in the Scene

For the Sub are There
And the Super is Aware


Locomotion Code

--background maker,quartz
clear { color= 0x51414F, alpha= 2.5 };

-- Triple Light Points
point {x = range 0 17 (osc 0.15), z = range 0 6 (osc 0.35) , intensity = range 8 35 (osc 0.35), color = 0xFFA230};
point {y = range 0 17 (osc 0.15), z = range 0 6 (osc 0.35) , intensity = range 15 35 (osc 0.25), color = 0xFFA500 };
point {z = range 0 17 (osc 0.15), x = range 0 6 (osc 0.35) , intensity = range 20 45 (osc 0.35), color = 0x008080 };

-- DataGhost Converging
dancer { url = "DataGhost", animation = 12,size = 3, y = -2, Z = -5, dur = 3, ry = 90 };
dancer { url = "DataGhost", animation = 22,size = 3, y = -2, Z = -5, dur = 3, ry = 270 };
dancer { url = "DataGhost", animation = 3,size = 3, y = -2, Z = -5, dur = 1, ry = 0};

--  DataGhost downsized
dancer { url = "DataGhost", animation = 3,size = 2, y = -2, Z = -12, ry = 270,x = -1 };
dancer { url = "DataGhost", animation = 3,size = 2, y = -2, Z = -12,ry = 90, x = 1};