The prompt for Genuary 2023 Day 28 is
"Generative Poetry"
For Today's prompt, the piece is named WordsLostInDigitalSea
The poem written is modulated by Hydra to represent how words online can be lost in the digital sea
The audio was coded with SonicPi emphasizing the point made above
Swimming through the air
Trimming along the edges
Wondering how the interaction across the fences
Leads to mends
To the energy that spends
But the air isn't as clear
As the words that we hear
And the dreams that we fear
And the dreams that lead to the vibration
Vibration felt in the ear
As the ear is listening to the distance
Both far and near
Both there and here
That is what we see, this presence
Adding more then terms
like if they are the early worms
that are talked about in the stories
where they suppressed their own worries
to have their story told
digging, when it is cold
when it is hot
cause digging is what some of these entities are about
Hydra Code
src(s0).repeat(()=> (time % 25 + 1)/5).blend(src(s1).scale(2)).diff(o3).modulateScale(o1).out(o0)
osc(2.5,0.5,1).modulateRotate(o0,3).repeat([2,3,4,5,6].smooth(),()=> (time % 22 + 2)/11).out(o1)
osc(2.5,0.5,1).colorama([0.4,0.2,0.3]).kaleid([3,4,5].smooth()).add(o3).scrollY(0.5,[0.0105,-0.0105]).scrollX(-0.5,[0.012,-0.125,-0.250,-0.124]).repeat(4,()=> (time % 22)/11).invert(2).out(o2)
osc(2.5,0.5,1).add(s0).scrollY(0.5,[0.0105,-0.0105]).scrollX(0.5,[0.012,-0.125,-0.250,-0.124]).repeat(2,()=> (time % 22)/11).invert(2).out(o3)
speed = 0.27
SonicPi Code
#slowed down by 75%
def breaklining (bpm)
live_loop :breakline do
use_bpm bpm
sample :loop_breakbeat,beat_stretch: 4
sleep [0.5,2].choose
live_loop :breakline1, sync: :breakline do
with_fx :ixi_techno, mix: rrand_i(0.1,1) do
use_bpm bpm - bpm/2
sample :loop_breakbeat,beat_stretch: 2
sleep [1,2].choose
live_loop :breakline2, sync: :breakline do
use_bpm bpm - bpm/2
sample :loop_breakbeat,beat_stretch: 2
sleep [0.25,2].choose
live_loop :breakline3, sync: :breakline do
with_fx :whammy,mix: 0.7, transpose: rrand_i(12,16) do
use_bpm bpm
sample :loop_breakbeat,beat_stretch: 4
sleep [0.5,1,2].choose
live_loop :repeat do
sleep [0.5,1,2].choose