DroneDay2023 : DroningInTheAir23

DroneDay2023 : DroningInTheAir23



For Drone Day 2023, I am using SonicPi, Alongside LiveCodeLab to make This Drone Piece: DroningInTheAir. After the original coding session, there was an overlay of the same sound with various filters, pitches and speeds added to the final audiovisuals

Click here to see more Drone Day 2023 Festivities,



DroningInTheAir2023 Glitched


Droning in The Air
With some pace
With some glare
As the sight it takes
Voyages past the notion of space
As we know it to be
As the spirals and flare
Take up the sky
Wake up in stride
As they set their owns to be free
Free from the perspective of time


IllestPreacha · DroningInTheAir2023



live_loop :Dontsk do
  with_fx :distortion, distort: [0.5, 0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5].tick do
    with_fx :ping_pong , mix: rrand(0.4,0.8) do
      with_fx :hpf, mix: 0.67 do
        with_fx [:whammy,:flanger,:vowel].choose, mix: rrand(0.24,0.72) do
          use_synth [:piano,:saw,:tb303].choose
          play choose( [:G4,:Bs3,:C1,:As4,:E2]),decay: dice(3) ,sustain: dice(8),amp: dice(4)
          sample :ambi_drone
          sample :bd_haus, rate: [0.9,-0.78,1.2,-1.2,0.4].tick if spread(7,12).tick
          sleep [0.25,0.5,1,2,4,8].choose

Livecodelab ( One Variation of the Code)

if time % 30 > 20
    bpm 80
// leave this one as base
    play 'tranceKick'  ,'-x-x ---x x-x- x-xx'
    play "alienBeep" + int(random 16) ,'x-x'
    play "glass" + int(random 9) ,'x-ox--x'
    play "cosmos"  ,'--x- -x-x --x- -x-xx'
    play "hiss" + int(random 3) ,'x'
    play "hoover" + int(random 4) ,'x-ox'
else if time % 30 < 20 && time % 30 > 10
    bpm 40
// leave this one as base
    play 'tranceKick'  ,'-x-x ---x x-x- x-xx'
    play "alienBeep" + int(random 16) ,'x-x'
    play "glass" + int(random 9) ,'x-ox--x'
    play "cosmos"  ,'--x- -x-x --x- -x-xx'
    play "hiss" + int(random 3) ,'x'
    play "hoover" + int(random 4) ,'x-ox'
    bpm 20
    play 'tranceKick'  ,'-x-x ---x x-x- x-xx'
    play "alienBeep" + int(random 16) ,'x-x'
    play "glass" + int(random 9) ,'x-ox--x'
    play "cosmos"  ,'--x- -x-x --x- -x-xx'
    play "hiss" + int(random 3) ,'x'
    play "hoover" + int(random 4) ,'x-ox'

if time % 22 > 12
    scale ((sin(time % 6) + 0.5)/8) + 0.12
    simpleGradient red,orange,pink
    scale ((sin(time % 9) + 0.5)/19) + 0.12
    simpleGradient teal,yellow,orange

rotate time
scale 0.7

if time % 12 < 4
    animationStyle motionBlur
else if time % 12 > 7
    animationStyle paintOver

400 times with i
    fill red
    stroke blue
    rotate time * 2 + sin(i), time * 3 - cos(i), time * 2 + tan(i)/(frame/100)
        move cos(time / 10), tan(wave(0.03)), sin(time % 10)
            rect 1 - cos(time), tan(wave(0.04)), tan(time * (wave(0.03)))

400 times with i
    fill blue
    stroke black
    rotate time * 1.5 + sin(i), time * 1.2 - cos(i), time * 1.3 + tan(i)/(frame/100)
        move cos(time / 10)+ 10 - time%6, tan(wave(0.03)), sin(time % 10)
            rect 1 - cos(time), tan(wave(0.04)), tan(time * (wave(0.03)))

400 times with i

    if time % 24 > 12
        fill white
        stroke green