

Noises from the Traffic Node


For this week's Creative Code Challenge by @sableraph : Nodes, I Coded InterGalacticTraffic.

This week's languages are NoiseCraft (noisecraft.app) for the sounds, LiveCodeLab for visuals & Hydra for Visual Effects.

Nodal Process

  • NoiseCraft is a Node Based Language for sound

  • The Intersection of transportation lines coded in layered LiveCodeLab skethces can be considered nodes as they represented the congestion points that occurred on this route:

"The transportation system is represented by a network of lines; each road and transit route is drawn as a line on a map or overlay at the same scale as the zone map. The intersections of the transportation lines are called nodes". - https://www.webpages.uidaho.edu/niatt_labmanual/chapters/traveldemandforecasting/professionalpractice/NetworksAndNodes.htm#:~:text=The%20transportation%20system%20is%20represented,transportation%20lines%20are%20called%20nodes.

  • This can be seen from a first-person perspective in the piece.

  • Which corresponds with the sound designed to sound like Intergalactic Traffic.

  • A 3D Model was made by me to mimic a galactic spaceship that is also stuck in traffic.


Nodes leading to Traffic
Intergalactic roads
That leads to sounds and tolls
Round as the the sound that is found
From the frantic nodes
That emit from down and around
As heard from the tales of the sonic



NoiseCraft: https://noisecraft.app/1416


if time % 20> 10
    background black
else if time % 20 < 10 && time % 20 > 5
    background orange
    simpleGradient black,yellow,teal

if time % 17 > 11
    rotate time / 10
    rotate cos(time)

move 0, -1.2, -1
rotate pi / 2, 0, 0

if time % 13 > 5
    scale 0.5
    scale 1.27

//wave makes it split into strands , larger waves, makes movement

12 times with j
    move 0, 0.5, wave(0.3)     37 times with i

        rotate 0, 0.2, 0

        if time % 30 > 15
            r = ((i  * 3) + (time * 12)) % 255
            g = ((i * 7) + (time * 30 + 20) * 7) % 255
            b = ((j * 17) + (time * 30 + 40) * 3) % 255
            fill r, g, b
            r = ((i  * 3) + (time * 12)) % 255
            g = abs(((i * 7) - (time * 30 + 20) * 7) % 255)
            b = sin(((j * 17) + (time * 30 + 40) * 3) % 255)
            fill r,g,b

        if time % 35 > 15
            rect 0.3, 0.3
            peg 0.5,0.5
        move 0.5, 0, 0



src(s0).scale(1.75).pixelate(()=> (time % 10 + 1) * 5000).diff(src(s1).scale(2).colorama(()=> (time % 20+1)/35)).out()