

With Python

For This WCC Challenge, I decided to use the Ascii art package in Python named " Art" and use that as a base to generate ASCII Wordage from prompts they entered.

If you have any of the following, you can use the code online :

  • A Google account to use Colab with the code to try

  • Jupiter Notebook

  • Or any Python environment of your choice (might have to install some stuff)

Below is the Code and the Output of a couple of Inputs

  • First Code is based of User Input

  • While Second is based of URL Entry

!pip install art

import random as rand
import re
from art import *

#URL text approach, in case you have text you want to play with instead of the user input

import urllib.request
import requests
import urllib
from urllib.request import urlopen
import urllib3

#URL code getter

file_url = 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/IllestPreacha/fba97ec51cba892638ab5a6d0fab7ca9/raw/2ff5bf0c47e3293d4f88aec3498318c8436237fa/Rubberband.txt'
http     = urllib3.PoolManager()
response = http.request('GET', file_url)
data     = response.data.decode('utf-8')
#Input Information

data = input("Write/Input a Sentence of 8 or More Words: ") #TextInput

print(data)  #printing data

IWTUsed = list(map(str,data.split())) #individuals words 

charCount = len(data) #check how many characters
wordCount = len(IWTUsed) #wordCount

def Randomizer():
    num = rand.randint(0, 27) #randomizer

    if (num > 0 and num < 3):
        fontType = "cybermedium"
    elif (num > 3 and num < 6):
        fontType = "yellow"
    elif (num > 6 and num < 9):
        fontType = "block"
    elif (num > 9 and num < 12):
        fontType = "red"
    elif (num > 12 and num < 15):
        fontType = "art"
        fontType = "wizard"

    return fontType #return to use in the Relics_Ascii function

def Divertion_Light():

  #Takes the first letter of a word that doesnt start with P,R,S,T and changes it to the letter X

    text = rand.choice(IWTUsed)

    x = text.startswith(('P', 'R','S','T','U','V'))

    if x :
        return text #return the original text    

        textList = list(text) #takes the string into a list
        textList[0] = 'X'   #takes the first variable and turns it to the letter x

        newText = ''.join(textList) #Join the two list to get the new word

        return newText #return the updated switch

def Divertion_Extra():

  #Takes the first letter of a word that doesnt start with P,R,S,T and changes it to the letter X

    text = rand.choice(IWTUsed)
    textList = list(text) #takes the string into a list

    if len(text) > 4:
        textList[len(text)-rand.randint(1,4)] = 'Y'
        textList[len(text)-rand.randint(1,4)] = 'Z'
        textList[len(text)-1] = 'Z' #rakes the last variable and turns it into the letter Z
        textList[len(text)-2] = 'Y'

    newText = ''.join(textList) #Join the two list to get the new word

    new_textList = list(newText) #takes the string into a list
    new_textList[0] = 'Z' #rakes the last variable and turns it into the letter Z

    newerText = ''.join(new_textList) #Join the two list to get the new word

    return newerText #return the updated switch

#Ascii Part
def Relics_Ascii():
    tprint(rand.choice(IWTUsed).upper(),font= Randomizer()) #calling Randomizer
    Block=text2art(rand.choice(IWTUsed),font='block',chr_ignore=True) #code already implemented within the art library
    print(Block + rand.choice(IWTUsed))
    tprint(rand.choice(IWTUsed).upper(),font= Randomizer())

if wordCount > 20:


Requirement already satisfied: art in c:\users\skyis\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (5.7) Write/Input a Sentence of 8 or More Words: WHat are we trying to do with this piece of code WHat are we trying to do with this piece of code

db 88888888ba 88888888888
d88b 88 "8b 88
d8'8b 88 ,8P 88 d8' 8b 88aaaaaa8P' 88aaaaa
d8YaaaaY8b 88""""88' 88"""""
d8""""""""8b 88 8b 88 d8' 8b 88 8b 88 d8' 8b 88 `8b 88888888888

.----------------. .----------------. | .--------------. || .--------------. | | | ________ | || | ____ | | | | |_ ___ . | || | .' . | | | | | | . \ | || | / .--. \ | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | | _| |___.' / | || | \ --' / | | | | |.' | || | `..' | | | | | || | | | | '--------------' || '--------------' | '----------------' '----------------' are ____ ____ ___ ____ | | | | \ | | || |/ |_

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_/_ | | | ___]

... _ (_][ (/,

###### ###### ###### # # # # #
# # # # #

####### ####### #####
## # ## # ##
## # ## # ##
## # ## # #######

______ ______ / / / /__


______ __ __ ______ ____
/__ \ /\ /\ \ /_ \ /\ \ \/_/\ \/ \ \ \_\ \ \/_/\ \/ \ \,\L\_\ \ \ \ \ \ _ \ \ \ \ \/_\__ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_\ \__ /\ \L\ \ \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ /\_____\ \ _
/ //// // //

.----------------. .----------------. | .--------------. || .--------------. | | | _____ _____ | || | _________ | | | ||_ || || || | | ___ | | | | | | | /\ | | | || | | |_ _| | | | | | |/ | | | || | | | _ | | | | | /\ | | || | | |/ | | | | | |/ _| | || | |___| | | | | | || | | | | '--------------' || '--------------' | '----------------' '----------------' are ___ ____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ | |/ _/ | |\ | | __ | | \ | | | | |]

_ _ ____ / |___ _/_ |

._ _ |, (_)|

###### ###### ###### ###### # # # ## # # #
# # ## # # #
## ## # ## # #####
## ## # ## # ##
## # ## # ## # ##

####### ####### ####### #######

______ ______ __ __ ______ __ _ __ __ ___/ |**/ _/ / | \ | _/
/ | _ | /
| _| |


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_ _ ____ / | | _/_ |__|

. _ | _ (.()(_](/,

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______ _____ __ __ ______ / | _/ / / | | /__


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.----------------. .----------------. | .--------------. || .--------------. | | | _________ | || | ____ | | | | | _ _ | | || | .' . | | | | |_/ | | \_| | || | / .--. \ | | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | | _| |_ | || | \ --' / | | | | |_| | || | `.____.' | | | | | || | | | | '--------------' || '--------------' | '----------------' '----------------' with _ _ _ _ _ ____ ___ | | | || || |
||| | | | | |

_ _ ____ ___ ____ / | | | \ |___ /_ || |/ |__

| _ (](_)

dP dP dP dP dP .d888888 d888888P 88 88 88 88 88 d8' 88 88
88 .8P .8P 88aaaaa88a 88aaaaa88a 88
88 d8' d8' 88 88 88 88 88
88.d8P8.d8P 88 88 88 88 88
8888' Y88' dP dP 88 88 dP

______ __ __ ______ / _/ / / | /__


oooo______oooo____oooooo____ooooooo oo____oo__oo____oo__oo____oo__oo___ oo________oo______oo_oo_____oo_oooo____ oo________oo______oo_oo_____oo_oo______ oo____oo__oo____oo__oo____oo__oo_____ __oooo______oooo____oooooo____ooooooo _______________________________________

.----------------. .----------------. .----------------. | .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. | | | __ | || | _______ | || | _________ | | | | / \ | || | |_ __ \ | || | |_ ___ | | | | | / /\ \ | || | | |) | | || | | |_ _| | | | | / ____ \ | || | | __ / | || | | | _ | | | | / / \ _ | || | | | \ _ | || | | |/ | | | | ||| ||| || | || || | || | |__| | | | | | || | | || | | | | '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' | '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' piece ____ ____ | | | || |

_ _ ____ / | | _/_ |__|

, .
-+-|_ * __ | [ )|_)

ooooooooooooo .oooooo.
8' 888 8 d8P' Y8b
888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 88b d88' o888o Y8bood8P'

______ __ __ ______ / _/ / / | /__

!pip install art

import sys
import random as rand
import re
from art import *

#URL based libraries
import urllib.request
import requests
import urllib
from urllib.request import urlopen
import urllib3

#URL code getter , Can use an URL to get words from

file_url = 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/IllestPreacha/fba97ec51cba892638ab5a6d0fab7ca9/raw/2ff5bf0c47e3293d4f88aec3498318c8436237fa/Rubberband.txt'
http     = urllib3.PoolManager()
response = http.request('GET', file_url)
data     = response.data.decode('utf-8')

#data = input("Write/Input a Sentence of 8 or More Words: ") #TextInput

print(data)  #printing data

IWTUsed = list(map(str,data.split())) #individuals words 

charCount = len(data) #check how many characters
wordCount = len(IWTUsed) #wordCount

def Randomizer():
    num = rand.randint(0, 27) #randomizer

    if (num > 0 and num < 3):
        fontType = "cybermedium"
    elif (num > 3 and num < 6):
        fontType = "yellow"
    elif (num > 6 and num < 9):
        fontType = "block"
    elif (num > 9 and num < 12):
        fontType = "red"
    elif (num > 12 and num < 15):
        fontType = "art"
        fontType = "wizard"

    return fontType #return to use in the Relics_Ascii function

def Divertion_Light():

  #Takes the first letter of a word that doesnt start with P,R,S,T and changes it to the letter X

    text = rand.choice(IWTUsed)

    x = text.startswith(('P', 'R','S','T','U','V'))

    if x :
        return text #return the original text    

        textList = list(text) #takes the string into a list
        textList[0] = 'X'   #takes the first variable and turns it to the letter x

        newText = ''.join(textList) #Join the two list to get the new word

        return newText #return the updated switch

def Divertion_Extra():

  #Takes the first letter of a word that doesnt start with P,R,S,T and changes it to the letter X

    text = rand.choice(IWTUsed)
    textList = list(text) #takes the string into a list

    if len(text) > 4:
        textList[len(text)-rand.randint(1,4)] = 'Y'
        textList[len(text)-rand.randint(1,4)] = 'Z'
        textList[len(text)-1] = 'Z' #rakes the last variable and turns it into the letter Z
        textList[len(text)-2] = 'Y'

    newText = ''.join(textList) #Join the two list to get the new word

    new_textList = list(newText) #takes the string into a list
    new_textList[0] = 'Z' #rakes the last variable and turns it into the letter Z

    newerText = ''.join(new_textList) #Join the two list to get the new word

    return newerText #return the updated switch

#Ascii Part
def Relics_Ascii():
    tprint(rand.choice(IWTUsed).upper(),font= Randomizer()) #calling Randomizer
    Block=text2art(rand.choice(IWTUsed),font='block',chr_ignore=True) #code already implemented within the art library
    print(Block + rand.choice(IWTUsed))
    tprint(rand.choice(IWTUsed).upper(),font= Randomizer())

if wordCount > 20:


Requirement already satisfied: art in c:\users\skyis\anaconda3\lib\site-packages (5.7) Green Yellow Red Black Purple Orange Brown Neutral Up Down Left Right Pin PinConsistent PinSwitch Diagonal PinnerChoice Short Long Medium Interior Exterior Double Single Triple oooooooo_ooooooo___oooo_ooooooo__oo______ooooooo_ oo____oo____oo___oo__oo____oo_oo______oo___ oo____oo____oo___oo__oo____oo_oo______oooo_ oo____ooooooo____oo__oooooo___oo______oo___ oo____oo____oo___oo__oo_______oo______oo___ __oo____oo_____oo_oooo_oo_______ooooooo_ooooooo _________________________________________________

.----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .-----------------. | .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. | | | ______ | || | _______ | || | ____ | || | _____ _____ | || | ____ _____ | | | | |_ _ \ | || | |_ __ \ | || | .' . | || ||_ _||_ _|| || ||_ \|_ _| | | | | | |_) | | || | | |__) | | || | / .--. \ | || | | | /\ | | | || | | \ | | | | | | | __'. | || | | __ / | || | | | | | | || | | |/ \| | | || | | |\ \| | | | | | _| |__) | | || | _| | \ \_ | || | \ --' / | || | | /\ | | || | | |\ |_ | | | | |/ | || | || || | || | `..' | || | |__/ _| | || |||_| | | | | | || | | || | | || | | || | | | | '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' | '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' PinnerChoice ___ ____ _ _ ___ _ ____ | \ | | | | |] | | |/ || || |] |___ |___

Up _ _ ___
| | |] || |

. . .
|/| _ |\. .. _ | |(/,(]|(*|[ | )

___ ____ _ _ ___ _ ____ | \ | | | | |] | |_ |/ || || |] |___ |___

______ _ _ _____ ______ _______ / || | | / |
| | || /

888888ba dP .d888888 a88888b. dP dP 88 8b 88 d8' 88 d8' 88 88 .d8' a88aaaa8P' 88 88aaaaa88a 88 88aaa8P'
88 8b. 88 88 88 88 88 8b. 88 .88 88 88 88 Y8. .88 88 88 88888888P 88888888P 88 88 Y88888P' dP dP oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

.----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .-----------------. | .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. | | | ________ | || | ____ | || | _____ _____ | || | ____ _____ | | | | |_ ___ . | || | .' . | || ||_ || || || || |_ | | | | | | | . \ | || | / .--. \ | || | | | /\ | | | || | | \ | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | | || | | |/ \| | | || | | |\ \| | | | | | _| |___.' / | || | \ --' / | || | | /\ | | || | | |\ | | | | | |.' | || | `.____.' | || | |/ __| | || ||*|_*| | | | | | || | | || | | || | | | | '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' | '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' Interior ___ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ___ ____ _ _ |] | |\ | [__ | | | | | | || | | | | ] ||| | | | | |

_ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ / | || | |/
/_ | | | |
__ | _

.. ,
| .
-+- _ ..\ _ .. |*[ ) | (/,[ |(_)[

.--- ,. ,. ,--,--'.--- .-,--. ,-_/ ,---. .-,--. |__ \/ - | |__ |__/ ' | | | |__/ ,| /\ , | ,| | \ .- | | | | \ ^--- ' ' -' ^--- -' --' ---' -' `

______ _____ __ __ ______ ______ _______ / | | _/ |] / | / || | |] /___ |______


.--- ,. ,. ,--,--'.--- .-,--. ,-_/ ,---. .-,--. |__ \/ - | |__ |__/ ' | | | |__/ ,| /\ , | ,| | \ .- | | | | \ ^--- ' ' -' ^--- -' --' ---' -' `

.----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. .----------------. | .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. | | | _______ | || | ____ ____ | || | ____ | || | _______ | || | _________ | | | | / ___ | | || | |_ || | | || | .' . | || | |_ __ \ | || | | _ _ | | | | | | (__ \_| | || | | |__| | | || | / .--. \ | || | | |__) | | || | |_/ | | \_| | | | | '.___-. | || | | __ | | || | | | | | | || | | __ / | || | | | | | | | |\____) | | || | _| | | |_ | || | \ --' / | || | | | \ _ | || | | | | | | | |.' | || | |||| | || | `..' | || | |**| || | || | || | | | | | || | | || | | || | | || | | | | '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' | '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' '----------------' Neutral ___ _ ____ ____ _ _ |] | |*| | |_/
|] |*__ | | |___ | _

_ _ ____ _ _ ____ / | | |\ | | __ _/_ || | | |]

.__ . [__) _ | | (/,(]

eeeee e eeeee eeeee e e e e eeeee eeee e e 8 8 8 8 8 8 " 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8eee8 8e 8e 8 8eeee 8e 8 8 8e 8e 8e 8eee8 88 88 88 8 88 88 8 8 88 88 88 88 8 88 88 88 8 8ee88 88ee8ee8 88 88 88e8 88 8

______ _______ ______ _____ __ __ ______ / |__ | \ | _/ / /_ |______ |/ | | /


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| \ | |__] | | |

_ _ ____ _ _ ___ ____ ____ _
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/_ |__ || | | \ | | |_

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### ### # # ### ## # # # # ####

______ ______ _______ ______ ______ _______ / |/ || / | ____ | /___ | _ | | /_____ || |_