

Movements In Realms Unknown


The Fifth of the Seven Pieces for the MinaCoding Prompt of Humans: JuneMovements

Design Process

JuneMovements uses the coding environments: Locomotion, SonicPi, and LiveCodelab to explore a subset of movements found in this week's realm.

  • Locomotion is used to demonstrate the spatial capabilities of the movements that may be possible in this still-to-be-named universe

  • LiveCodeLab displays a theory that in this universe, the planetary orbital paths may have affected the movements of the avatars in the Locomotion Choreo.

  • The SonicPi Composition has a counter that changes the "Physics of the Sound" to correspond with the Choreography and orbital as explained above



Internal Movements
Movements seen on the exterior
Movements seeping below the door
Risen from the molecules
That were lifted from the door
Some mastering silence
Others ignoring the virtues of patiences
Movements that groove
Grooving to the rhythm of the hue
Internal moves
That become External Movements



turns = 2
detail = 400
speed = 0.4
background black

fill green

scale 0.4 - wave(0.05) * (sin(time % 10)/5)
rotate sin(time % 9),Math.sqrt(tan(time %12)),cos(time %9)

detail times with i
    rotate 0, 0, (2 * pi) / detail
    move 0.65,sin(time),cos(time) * wave (0.05)
        rotate (turns * i * pi) / detail + (time * speed), 0, 0
            rect 1

detail times with i
    fill green
    rotate 0, 0, (2 * pi) / detail
    move Math.cbrt(sin(time)),sin(time),cos(time) * wave (0.05)
        rotate (turns * i * pi) / detail + (time * speed), 0, 0
            peg 0.5,0.9,Math.hypot(sin(time % 9),cos(time % 7))

detail times with i
    scale 1
    fill green
    rotate sin(time), 0, (2 * pi) / detail
    move Math.cbrt(sin(time)),sin(time),cos(time) * wave (0.05)
        rotate (turns * i * pi) / detail + (time * speed), 0, 0
            box 0.5,0.9,Math.hypot(sin(time % 9),cos(time % 7))


directional { x= 10 , ly = 8, z = 5};
point { x = range 0 7 (osc 0.5),  y= 1 , z = range 7 - 7 (osc 0.3), color = 0x00888};

dancer{ url="raccoon.glb", dur = 3, z = range 12 -12 (osc 0.75), x = range 15 -5 (osc 0.5), ry= range 3.14 -10 (osc 0.75), ly = range 5 -5 (osc 0.5), size = 4 };
dancer{ url="raccoon.glb", x = range 5 -5 (osc 0.5), z = -2, ry=3.14, ly = range 5 -5 (osc 0.5), size= 3.5 };
dancer{ url="StoneFigure.glb", x = range 5 -5 (osc 0.5), z = -2, ry=3.14, ly = range 5 -5 (osc 0.5), size= 0.3 };

dancer{ url = "StoneFigure.glb", animation = 4, dur = range 2 -2 (osc 3), z = 0, x = -2, y = -3,rx = range 180 360 (osc 0.5),  x = osc 0.5,lx = range -15 15 (osc 0.5) };


n = 65

define :space do
  live_loop :melody do
    use_bpm 120 + [-Math.cbrt(n),+Math.sqrt(n)].choose
    use_synth (ring :pretty_bell, :piano,:piano).tick
    bellTime = ring( (scale [:f3,:d3,:b4].choose, :major,).reverse, (scale :f1, :minor).look).tick
    play bellTime if (spread 10,14).tick
    sleep [0.5,1,2,4].choose
    n+= 5

define :space2 do
  live_loop :melody do
    use_bpm 120 + [-Math.cbrt(n),+Math.sqrt(n)].choose
    use_synth (ring :chiplead, :saw,:chipnoise).tick
    bellTime = ring( (scale [:f3,:d3,:b4].choose, :major,).reverse, (scale :f1, :minor).look).tick
    play bellTime if (spread 7,12).tick
    sleep [0.5,1,2,4].choose
    n+= 5

live_loop :harmonic do

  live_loop :nofilters do
    with_fx :ping_pong do
      with_fx :echo do
      sleep [0.1,0.2,0.25].choose

  with_fx :ping_pong ,mix: rrand(0.1,0.8) do
    live_loop :filter1, sync: :nofilters do
      with_fx [:reverb,:whammy].choose do
      sleep [0.25,0.125,0.5].choose

  sleep [1,2,4].choose